Nidhi Tewari obtained her Masters in Social Work (MSW) and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), dedicating her career and life to helping children, adolescents, and adults who are survivors of trauma and those who struggle with anxiety. She is an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association (EMDRIA) Certified Therapist with expertise in treating trauma and anxiety in children and adolescents, and in healing relational attachment wounds.
In our interview with Tewari, we discuss the impact being born to immigrant parents had, as well as the challenges she faced due to conflicting Indian and American norms.
She shares how her perfectionism and high achievement ultimately led to burnout. She found herself numbing through drinking and partying in college. After receiving a letter from her university stating she was at risk for losing her scholarship, she had a wake-up call. She visited her university’s counseling services, her first experience working with a therapist. She practiced cognitive behavioral therapy and successfully finished her degree. This experience led her to pursue social work.
Nidhi recognizes there are many cultures that do not openly discuss mental health. Her mission is to create social change through discussion and help normalize the topic.
What can you expect from this podcast?
- Tewari shares insights on eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and positive patient outcomes
- Tips to help recognize when we may be experiencing anxiety and ways to help calm our nervous system
- Difference between trauma with a big “T” and little “t”
- Intergenerational trauma
- Adverse childhood experiences (ACES)
- Spiritual bypassing
- What it means to be “trauma informed”
- Survivor blaming
Should everyone have a therapist? Nidhi (although admittedly biased) says, “Yes”. She claims we all need a neutral, confidential space to discuss.
Nidhi left us with some helpful wisdom –
Everyone at some point in time, will experience mental health challenges.
1) You are not alone, and,
2) There is support
Therapy is not a pair of sweatpants, it is not one size fits all. It can transform your life and empower you to make choices.
Learn more about Nidhi Tewari:
Website: https://nidhitewarilcsw.com/
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NidhiTewariLCSW
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nidhitewarilcsw/?hl=en
Clubhouse: https://clubhousedb.com/user/nidhitewarilcsw
Clubhouse (Mental Health Matters): https://mentalhealthmattersclub.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lcswnidhi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWqjdQHOox11Fn4IDYsTCvA
Where can you find a therapist?
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